Industrial company, producing fans


Assembling of automation systems, commissioning
and start-up works

Manufacturing of central air conditioners and air handling systems.


Smoke exhaust and air overpressure fans.




Manufacturing and supply of fire dampers

60,90,120 minutes fire resistance.

Assembling of automatics boards of any complexity under the customer’s technical project

Manufacturing of air intake valves UVK and KVU

Completed with electric drives Belimo

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Home > Ducted ventilation systems
Ducted ventilation systems

Many of us, when returning home after work noticed that the air in the apartment or house is stale, atmosphere is stuffy, from which arises only desire - as soon as possible to open the windows. It is quite usual situation for the inhabitants of large cities, but at the same time disturbing, because the ventilation system in your home may not work well. Also, with the emergence of sealed glass units, used in the construction of monolithic concrete, the problem became more acute, because modern home stopped flowing fresh air.

The lack of fresh air creates a sense of fatigue, poor concentration, headaches, and provokes high humidity unpleasant odors, mold on the walls and so on.

It is known that in most homes there is not enough ventilation to carry out the required air, but it is the key to your health and comfort. Simply opening the windows does not help, because various gases, dust, odors penetrate in the room along with street air.

Quality, efficient removal of harmful substances from the air implies having good ventilation equipment. Timely acquired and installed ventilation system allows you to create favorable and comfortable conditions for life.

Creating and maintaining an optimal temperature, humidity, air flow speed - it's all the work of high-quality ventilation system. Therefore it is necessary taking seriously to the issue of choice and installation of ventilation systems.

Air supply devices

Ducted air handling units CSK-K, CSK 400, 700 – are ventilation system with compact dimensions. All component parts are staffed in the same housing, equipped with excellent sound insulation. Largely thanks to this, monobloc constructions of ventilation are deprived of a significant number of deficiencies, often found in typesetting systems.

The main positive aspects include the fact that the air handling units have comparatively small size and low noise level, which allows you to mix them in a residential installation.

There is also the opportunity to select and adjust all components, since already at the production stage, a complex and multi-stage design has lost its immediate relevance.

Supply air ventilation systems are most often used to supply air to residential, public and industrial premises. It is also important to know that in addition to direct problems, such as the supply of fresh air in the room, air handling units also have the function of air heating and cooling.

The functions of systematic air purification and humidity control, allows you to create a comfortable climate with minimal time and cost.

Air supply devices are mainly divided into the following functional types:

  • Air supply;
  • Supply and exhaust systems significantly improve the sanitary situation in both industrial and residential use.

Matched air supply and exhaust system installed on the base of fans VKV

The main functions of air-typesetting devices are the same as the functions of channel air handling units CSK-K, so we will focus on the description of the functions of exhaust duct systems based on fan VKV.

Removal of contaminated air - an important functional feature that is ideal for public and industrial places.

Notable is the fact that the exhaust ventilation, is much simpler, than supplying. It can easily consist of only one fan. But this method is ideal for a small room. If operating in more than one location, it is necessary a duct intaking system.

Package handling unit:

  • Exhaust Duct Fan;
  • Automatic control valves;
  • Housing of compact size;

Company “PetroVentKomplekt” offers you a high quality channel ventilation equipment of its own manufacture. Our experts are willing to help you choose the right equipment and automatic control of ventilation to maintain a healthy atmosphere in your office, apartment or a country house.

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