Industrial company, producing fans


Assembling of automation systems, commissioning
and start-up works

Manufacturing of central air conditioners and air handling systems.


Smoke exhaust and air overpressure fans.




Manufacturing and supply of fire dampers

60,90,120 minutes fire resistance.

Assembling of automatics boards of any complexity under the customer’s technical project

Manufacturing of air intake valves UVK and KVU

Completed with electric drives Belimo

Saint Petersburg
(812) 309-48-11
(495) 785-36-41

Home > Technical documentation

Technical documentation

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The range of products «PetroVentKomplekt»

Equipment for fire ventilation systems

Canal fans VKV

Fire dampers and network elements

Air handling units

Automatic control panels (ЩАУ)

Energy-saving compact air handling units ЦСК-400/700-V/Р

Compressor&condensor units MDV

Compressor&condensor units TSA

Get a printed copy of the technical documentation by mail you can by contacting our office.

St. Petersburg Str. Sofiyskaya, 66
tel. / fax: (812) 309-48-11 (multichannel)
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